Actor Akshay Kumar and filmmaker R Balki became the first to shoot during a lockdown. On Monday, they along with their crew shot for a government-approved ad to create awareness about post-lockdown responsibilities. The shoot was held at Mumbai's Kamalistan studio.
Shootings of films and TV projects had come to a halt a week before the nationwide lockdown. Reportedly, the shoot included minimum crew and they all followed the guidelines set by the government.
Talking to a daily R Balki said that the ad is for the health ministry about our post lockdown responsibilities. He said that they got used to shooting with social distancing, sanitised outdoor sets, disinfectant screens, masks and more within minutes.
Meanwhile, filmmakers have requested the Chief Minister of Maharashtra to allow shooting to resume with necessary precautions in place. The Producers Guild of India has also drafted new protocols for the film and TV industry, which will be followed once they receive a go-ahead from Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray.
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